Galion fifth grader selected to Safety Patrol Hall of Fame


GALION — Galion Intermediate School fifth grade student Bella Alberty has been named to the American Automobile Association (AAA) Safety Patrol Hall of Fame for the 2020-2021 school year.

Safety Patrol Advisor Adam Lehman, who is also the media specialist at the Intermediate school first learned of the Hall of Fame after finding AAA brochures from years prior.

“Amongst the brochures was a faded leaflet detailing past ‘Hall of Fame Inductees,’" Lehman said. “After an inquiry, I was delighted to discover that the Safety Patrol program still honors stand-out students.”

The Galion Safety Patrol consists of twelve fifth-grade students from the Intermediate School and helps students cross streets on the Galion campus safely. Students must have been recommended by their fourth grade teacher in order to be considered for the program

“Once I examined the criteria for the Hall of Fame: leadership ability, obedience to rules, courtesy, respect of classmates, etc.,” Lehman said. “A clear picture of an individual student took form, and I thought that some recognition was overdue.”

Lehman described Bella as “a beacon amongst shining students” when asked why he chose to nominate her from the group.

“Our school’s Safety Patrol is composed of exceptional kids,” Lehman explained. “Bella is safety-minded, early for duty, never complains, and often fills-in-the-gaps of empty posts without having to be told to do so.”

Along with Alberty, the 2020-2021 School Safety Patrol includes Will Rinehart, Lynnea Phelps, Myla Harding, Penny Morris, Cameron Snyder, Maria Wegesin, Avery Patrick, Baylee Stewart, Jaxon Perkins, Ariya Sylvester, and Tyler Perkins.

“This is an incredible honor for Bella and her family,” Galion Superintendent Jennifer Allerding said. “Bella is just a fantastic example of the amazing students we have, grades preschool through twelve, in the Galion City Schools.”

The American Automobile Association created the school Safety Patrol program in 1920 to help ensure the safety of fellow classmates traveling to and from school, and to serve as role models for younger students. Today, the Safety Patrol has more than 654,000 Patrollers in 34,500 U.S. Schools. The AAA School Safety Patrol Hall of Fame recognizes patrol members who exemplify the spirit and purpose of the program.

Galion fifth-grade student Bella Alberty, center, was selected as a member of the American Automobile Association (AAA) Safety Patrol Hall of Fame for the 2020-2021 school year. She was nominated by Safety Patrol Advisor Adam Lehman, left, and Galion Intermediate School Principal Alex Sharick, right. fifth-grade student Bella Alberty, center, was selected as a member of the American Automobile Association (AAA) Safety Patrol Hall of Fame for the 2020-2021 school year. She was nominated by Safety Patrol Advisor Adam Lehman, left, and Galion Intermediate School Principal Alex Sharick, right. Galion City Schools

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