Council talks design review district changes


Galion City Council is reviewing potential changes to the design review district, a move that could affect the city’s eligibility for grants and other funding opportunities.

The city’s Design Review Board, tasked with preserving Galion’s historic character, proposed altering the district’s boundaries to improve chances of securing monetary incentives. Under the current configuration, the eastern border of the district ends at East Street. Ordinance 2024-65 proposes that the borders be changed to:

“All lots and parcels of real estate having frontage on the north side of Harding Way between Gill Avenue and the Big Four railroad tracks, together with Inlots 32 and 34 located on Union Street, all lots and parcels of real estate having frontage on the south side of Harding Way between Zimmerman Court and the Big Four Depot tracks; all lots and parcels of real estate having frontage on the west side of Union Street from Inlot 32 to Walnut Street together with Inlot 267 located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Union Street and Walnut Street.”

Law Director Thomas Palmer explained that businesses in the areas proposed for removal are not eligible for many of the incentives the district typically pursues. A high percentage of ineligible businesses reduces the likelihood of receiving funds. By shrinking the district borders, the city may have better success with securing funding.

Palmer noted that the process of expanding the district in the future, if necessary, would be straightforward, requiring only another ordinance vote. He also confirmed that all affected businesses have been notified of the proposed changes.

City Council held a second reading of the ordinance on Oct. 8.

Hannah Bryan is a correspondent for the Galion Inquirer. She can be reached at [email protected].

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